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All posts by: Doug Jack

Ideal Stairlifts announce Gold Sponsor partnership with Kings Langley Little Athletics

At the core of our business is the commitment to improve the lives of those around us with mobility difficulties. This tends to be our seniors who find that advancing years, illness and injury can make stairs in the home harder to negotiate. A stairlift from Ideal Stairlifts is...

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The Ideal Stairlift for you – Choosing stairlifts

  As the old saying goes .. we can offer 3 types of service: Fast, Good & Cheap – you can only pick two of them. A stairlift is no different. At Ideal Stairlifts we do try to excel at all 3 when providing our stairlifts, but only ever...

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Outdoor Stairlift
Should I get a stairlift?

As we age, or our mobility declines for whatever reason, the realisation occurs that the stairs in our home might have become difficult or even impossible to negotiate any more. In the past this may have meant the need to move home, or to live on just one level....

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